Lembaran Puisi

Minggu, 24 Juli 2011

Where are you now?

I miss your smile, I miss your touch; 
I miss the voice I loved so much.
And when Im sleepless in the night, I miss the arms that held me tight. 
It seems like only yesterday, so quietly you slipped away. 
You were the rock I leaned upon, Ive had to be strong now you've gone. 
No tomorrows for us to share, still I sense you everywhere. 
Each night I gaze at the starlit sky, reliving the day of you and I.

2 komentar:

  1. kalo saya boleh jawab pertanyaan dalam gmabra itu saya akan menjawab
    "aku dihatimu..."

    pinjem kalimat dalam iklan hehehe... salam kenal LyngLung

  2. Wahahahaha... Makasih.. Makasih sudah berkunjung..
    Salam kenal juga selfishyayun :)
